Would a father get the same deal

Friday, May 23, 2008

MANCHESTER – A local woman was given a suspended sentence this week after admitting she did not pay $18,439.66 in court-ordered child support.

Samantha Bilodeau, 37, of Manchester was sentenced Wednesday in Hillsborough County Superior Court-Northern District. She pleaded guilty to a felony charge of criminal non-support.

Judge William J. Groff sentenced her to two to four years in prison, with all but time served - 208 days - suspended for five years.

The sentence includes five years probation, under the supervision of the state Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) Legal-Criminal Enforcement Unit. Bilodeau also had to sign a waiver of extradition.

Wayne Jeffrey, DCSS program specialist/criminal investigator, said today it is "not as uncommon" as in the past to find some women not paying their court-ordered child support. Another woman, he said, currently is being held in the Valley Street jail for not paying back child support.

"We try not to use that term 'dead beat,' but there are some dead beat moms," he said.

Bilodeau’s apprehension and prosecution is the result of the combinedefforts of the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Department, the Office of theHillsborough County Attorney, and DCSS.


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