Like rising tide, money keeps washing up to the doors of the Virginia Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE), teeming in its quest to help Virginia children escape poverty. YES LET GET THE MOTHER AND THE KIDS OUT OF POVERTY SO WE CAN PLACE DAD IN POVERTY..
The money comes from stringent collections of court-ordered child support payments from non-custodial parents and from federal government bonuses. Last year, DCSE increased it collections by five percent to more than $587 million for 484,000 children and the feds awarded a $10.7 million bonus for DCSE’s collection efforts. The $10 million bonuses have been awarded for five consecutive years.
This is just the beginning of good things happening for DCSE. YET THESE DCSE OFFICE STILL CAN'T GET A DAMN THING RIGHT.
Adding icing to the cake is a recent recognition by the National Child Support Enforcement Association, which named DCSE the Nation’s Outstanding Child Support Enforcement Program.
A proclamation earlier this month by Gov. Tim M. Kaine did not hurt either. The governor proclaimed August Child Support Enforcement Month (CSEM) in the state.
“Virginia does an outstanding job in collecting child support payments,” Kaine said in issuing the proclamation. “The interests of the children of Virginia are being diligently pursued and protected by dedicated professionals at the local, regional and state levels.” AT WHAT COST TO FATHERS AND THOSE FEW MOTHERS WHO PAID SUPPORT
Those interests are pursued aggressively in collaboration with law enforcement agencies and private companies. Virginia was the first state in the nation to pursue the cell phone records of non-custodial parents owing child support. Cell phone service providers are subpoenaed for addresses and phone numbers. THAT IS WHY I HAVE A TRAC PHONE.... PREPAID, AND NO PERSONAL INFO..
Non-custodial parents are also tracked through new employment where automatic wage withholdings then begin to take place.
Less than a year ago, DCSE also pioneered the statewide use of full-page newspaper ads picturing non-custodial parents who owe their children large amounts of money but have gone AWOL and cannot be found. The response garnered from missing parents was favorable as many sought to pay off their debts to avoid having their names and pictures broadcast.
Last year, DCSE reports that it located 140,956 non-custodial fathers and mothers and established 9,302 paternities. Collection and tracking efforts are evident even on the DCSE’s Website where a most wanted list of the 11 child support dodgers in Virginia, shows that six have been found.
Anthony L. Cooley, a 29-year-old from Fort Eustis is one of those still wanted. He owes $24,869 for one child
In 1998, the DCSE initiated the Passport Denial Program, which makes it possible to revoke, refuse, restrict or limit a passport previously issued to an individual owing more than $5,000 in child support. Since the program’s inception, more than 62,000 Virginians have been denied passports. The largest child support collection ever paid to retrieve a passport in Virginia was in 2003 when $186,968 was collected from a father living in Jordan. I BET NOT MUCH OF THE MONEY WAS SPENT ON THE CHILD(REN)
DCSE this year implemented a centralized customer service call center, located in Martinsville to provide enhanced services to child support customers. The center is expected to handle some 8.8 million calls per year. I CAN TELL YOU THAT THIS A LIE. EVERY TIME I CALL I'M REROUTED TO THE PORTSMOUTH OFFICE OR SOME OTHER OFFICE..
“Each year we strive to improve so that we can provide the children of the Commonwealth what is owed to them,” said DCSE Director Nick Young recently. HE CAN'T EVEN GET THE LOCAL OFFICES TO DUE THEIR JOB, THESE OFFICE LEAK NCP PERSONAL INFO THE EX
Still out of 363,000 child support cases in the state, more than 300,000 children in the state are owed more than $2.2 billion in child support. HOW MUCH OF THIS IS CURRENT SUPPORT AS WELL AS ARRAERAGE
“This fact compels us to continually seek innovative ways to encourage parents to become responsible in meeting their obligations to their children,” said Young. “The end result we are seeking is improving the self-sufficiency of families.” WELL LET THE FATHER BE FATHERS IS A GOOD STARTING POINT.....
But even as the division celebrates this month and its apparent right moves, criticism is never far away.
Some custodial parents want DCSE to do more to locate missing parents who have been ordered by courts to pay child support. They want DCSE to take out more arrest warrants on non-child support paying parents.
Also, a number of non-custodial parents who have “fallen victim” to DCSE’s crutches say that it is riddled with mistakes. A parent who spoke to a Voice reporter last year said that he was still obligated to pay child support for a child who had passed away years before. Another parent said he was ordered to pay back child support from 1989 when his first child wasn’t born until 1993. Both had been fighting to get the situations redressed for years to no avail. YET THESE ASSHOLES DON'T MAKE MISTAKES... THE COURT/JUDGE WON'T DO NOTHING ABOUT, WHY BECAUSE THE STATE MAKES MONEY OFF OF CHILD SUPPORT
Aubrey El, who has had to pay back child support for years when he wasn’t a father yet angrily said that the DCSE’s motives were to perpetuate “a money making scam.” EXACTLY, ITS A SCAM
DCSE’s Young said that mistakes and human error happens. “But we try to fix them [when there’s no] questionable information” provided by parents. WELL THIS IS BULLSHIT, IF THE OFFICE OF DCSE KNOW A CHILD AS DIE AND THERE ISN'T ANY ARREARS, THEN WHY DON'T THEY CLOSE THE CASE ANYWAY..
He emphasizes that everything is done to help Virginia’s children. So if any custodial parents with child support court orders need help locating their children’s other parents, DCSE can step in.
Custodial parents are advised to not accept direct payments for child support from the non-custodial parents after the non-custodial parents have been ordered to pay child support through DCSE. Those who receive a payment directly are urged to send the payment to DCSE so the amount can be applied to delinquent accounts.
To help find parents who are delinquent in their responsibilities citizens can call (800) 257-9986.